Aide et Action Switzerland is an education NGO based in Geneva, active in almost 20 countries. Our mission is to promote access to quality education for all.
TERRE DES FEMMES Switzerland is a human rights organisation fighting for gender equality and against gender-based violence. We advise persons affected by gender-based violence, train professionals and persons affected, develop awareness-raising and prevention materials and also work on a political level.
Aqua Alimenta promotes appropriate small-scale irrigation and ecological farming methods for the benefit of disadvantaged farmers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our vision: "A world" free of hunger and poverty in which smallholder families produce sufficient and healthy food and lead a self-determined life.
The mission of the ReBin Foundation for Sustainable Development ® is to promote, develop and support ecologically, socially responsible and economically viable projects, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The Foundation's primary concern is the major challenge posed by the accumulation of waste: air and water pollution, deterioration of health and deterioration of biodiversity.
La plus grande organisation suisse d'aide à l'enfance, qui s'engage pour améliorer le quotidien de millions d'enfants démunis à travers le monde.
Eco-Citizen contributes to the changes in individual behavior of the Genevese, especially in the areas of waste, energy, water and consumption. Among its concrete actions that integrate people looking for work and promote the social integration of young people: installation of efficient materials in households and awareness of energy and water in collaboration with SIG.
Handicap International (HI) est une organisation non-gouvernementale qui vient en aide aux populations vulnérables, plus particulièrement les personnes handicapées dans plus de 60 pays, la plupart défavorisés. HI mène parallèlement un combat contre les armes explosives afin de protéger les civils innocents qui sont pris au piège dans des conflits armés.
Each year in France, perinatal mourning concerns more than 7,000 families. When an infant dies during pregnancy, at birth or a few days after, begins a long and difficult job of mourning. The photographic memory is then an important support. The sweet and tender image taken by our volunteer photographers can be viewed, displayed and placed in the family album. It is proof of the existence of this child and allows him to give him his place in the family.
To transmit the pleasure of reading to children by recycling young books. BOOKS ON SHARING is the association that offers companies and institutions of civil society Marseille and metropolitan to become actresses of a circular culture and solidarity. How? 'Or' What ? By creating their own libraries on their premises to collect Youth books. BOOKS ON SHARING takes care of recovering these books to redistribute them once a year to the metropolitan educational structures that need them.
The Frauenzentrum Dortmund (Dortmund Women's Center) supports women, children, families and senior citizens in Dortmund. As part of our specialist seminar for family care, people who are already over 25 years old and have children are given the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship. The training can also be completed by people finding themselves in difficult life situations, as the apprentices are supported by a social worker. As part of our senior care service, we support senior citizens in coping with everyday life and offer long-term unemployed people an opportunity to work. We are also committed to combating child poverty by not only doing educational work as part of our educational assistance work, but also by providing assistance in securing living space and livelihood.
Your School With You, recognized public utility, provides education, free and at home, children and teenagers too sick or disabled to join a collective institution. VECV involved in Île-de-France (primary and secondary) and Rouen (primary only). Students receive, at their own pace and manner appropriate to his condition, the same teaching in residential institution: official, presentation programs in national examinations (patent tray). Classes are taught by state certified teachers who regularly receive specific pedagogical training to disability.
Graine de Baobab works in Burkina Faso for the access to the water, the education, the food and the health by sustainable projects.
Reach for the Moon helps to provide shelter, security, care and education for orphans, slum children and widows in North India. To do this this association works in close collaboration with Indian correspondents in the field to incite preventive medical services and hygiene, provide quality education and training, implement long-term remunerative activities, marginalize women And children, make their dignity and help them achieve a level of self-sufficiency for the future.
The CANSEARCH Foundation's primary mission is to support medical research in childhood cancer. Pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among children in Switzerland, and scientific research in this field must continue to advance. To date, in our country, only 2% of the funds raised for oncology research are then allocated to the pediatric field, even though children are the future of our societies. Supporting CANSEARCH means helping sick children and their families to have more hope for a cure and a better quality of life over the long term.
1 2 3 Action is a charity that helps developing countries in Africa and Asia, by providing people with direct access to water. The association notably sets up boreholes and purification systems that allow immediate access to drinking water for human consumption.
More than 500'000 people in Switzerland are affected by a rare genetic disease! Helping, curing and communicating has been the mission of the Telethon for more than 30 years. Let's not forget: "Health is a right of every human being". These diseases are progressive and time is of the essence in all cases. Rapid access to new treatments at affordable prices is needed, and multidisciplinary social support is indispensable (school and professional inclusion, social advice, self-help groups, medical expenses, adaptations and auxiliary means, leisure activities to relieve the carers).
The mission at the heart of Theodora is to contribute to the wellbeing of children in hospitals, hospices and specialist care centres by providing visits from professional performers who have been trained to work in a medical environment.
The Sparadrap offers a privileged place in the hospital environment enabling children to entertain himself through recreational and educational support while welcoming their families. The association promotes the link between children, parents, doctors and caregivers. In addition, she familiarizes children with the idea that the hospital can also relate to them at some point, while encouraging parents to prepare each child for a hospital stay if necessary.
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. We are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.
Aidons les Abeilles !! Natur Miel Association lance des campagnes de dons de graines pour refleurir nos villes et nos campagnes tout en sensibilisant le plus grand monde à la sauvegarde de la biodiversité.
Enfants du Monde is an organisation has provided quality education and access to health services for children and mothers in the poorest countries of the world for over 45 years. It provide basic education for children focusing on the quality of teaching and the development of the student’s autonomy and facilitate access to health services and improve the quality of care for the benefit of pregnant women, mothers and babies through the active engagement of the local population.
This Swiss association helps families whose child has cancer to work to improve the lives of children in treatment. Zoé4life also supports research and raises awareness to childhood cancer and the problems related to treatment.
We are committed to helping socially marginalized population groups in Latin America to have equitable opportunities for education, social involvement and income, and to enable them to lift themselves out of poverty.
Surfrider Foundation is a worldwide not-for-profit organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of lakes, rivers, the ocean, waves and the coastline. Founded in 1990 by a handful of local surfers it gathers today over 9,000 members in Europe and is represented in 14 countries through its chapters of volunteers.
Our mission - Raise awareness and inform, through the presentation of the missions of our association in schools, universities and employers' associations to increase its visibility in Switzerland. - To act and federate through the animation of an active voluntary movement, by participating in waste collections and all public or professional events related to plastic waste pollution. - Participate in the public debate on ways to reduce plastic pollution and develop the circular economy in Switzerland - Engage decision-makers by creating industrial partnerships with Swiss-based companies willing to contribute to the development of the Manta project - Contribute to the success of our missions both in Switzerland and abroad by raising institutional and private funds.
The organisation of Hubert Gouin « Enfance & Cancer » was created in 2004 by Anne et Olivier Gouin after the death of their son Hubert at the age of 7; he was diagnosed at 3 years old of a rare cancer touching children: neuroblastoma.
For 30 years, the Association for Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ARSLA), founded by a young patient and his neurologist struggle on all fronts to one day defeat this terrible disease. The two priorities of the association are the accompaniment of patients for a better quality of life and support for research (basic, clinical and social science). In 2014, it was well over 1500 patients have benefited from the help of the association and EUR 700 000 was spent on research.
Nous amenons des machines qui produisent de l'eau potable à partir de l'air en condensant l'humidité pour des camps de réfugiés faisant face au manque d'eau potable.
As the leading independent children's rights organisation, Save the Children has been working specifically for children's rights since 1919. In Switzerland and around the world, we ensure that children grow up healthy, can go to school and are protected. In emergencies and disasters, when children are among the most vulnerable, we are among the first on the ground and among the last to leave. We make sure that the specific needs of children are met and that their voices are heard. We achieve lasting change for millions of children and do everything in our power to make a positive impact on their lives and their future, even in emergencies and disasters. Our vision is a world where every child survives, learns and is protected.
OneAction was born in December 2011 as an independent, apolitical and non-profit association based in Geneva, Switzerland. Seeing one's potential for sustainable change, OneAction aims to encourage the transition from intention to action, accompanying individuals and communities on various empowerment projects. OneAction primarily focuses on education, training, sustainable agriculture, reforestation, renewable energies and social entrepreneurship. Our current efforts are concentrated in regions where we benefit from a well-established network of contacts and an excellent knowledge of the socio-cultural, political and environmental context, namely Switzerland, South America and Asia.
The Association Petits Princes fulfils the dreams of seriously ill children and teenagers suffering from cancer, leukaemia, certain genetic diseases... By living their passions and fulfilling their dreams, children find extra energy to fight against illness. Since 1987, 7900 dreams have been realized. Every day, a child's dream is fulfilled.
La suisse regorge d'occupations passionnantes. Que vous soyez attiré par le sport, la culture, les arts, la musique ou bien d'autres loisirs, vous trouverez facilement de quoi satisfaire votre intérêt. De nombreuses manifestations sont accessibles à tous. malheureusement la plupart du temps elle sont payantes. Tout une partie de la population de la Suisse Romande ne peut pas se permettre de dépenser de l'argent pour la culture ou les loisirs. Que ce soit le retraité au bénéfice d'une rente minimum, que ce soit la famille nombreuse ou une famille dont un des membres est au chômage, toutes ces personnes se privent de loisirs par manque de moyen. Pourtant il existe de nombreuses activité gratuite qui sont à la disposition de tous. Elles ne sont souvent pas faciles à trouver. L'association Loisirs gratuits , avec ce site, a pour ambition de répertorier les loisirs gratuits en Suisse Romande. Elle veut permettre à des personnes qui ne le pourrait pas, de passer des moment agréable dans les domaines qui les intéressent.
The association "Le Pont Genève" was created in January 2015, founded by a group of Swiss and Tunisian activists living in Geneva whose aim is to promote cultural exchanges between Switzerland and Tunisia in order to strengthen the culture of democracy and citizenship.
Aide et Action France is an international solidarity NGO working in 25 countries to promote access to quality education for all.
Casa Alianza focuses on social reinsertion and defends the rights of disinherited people in Central America (Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua et Guatemala)
Founded in 1993, Colis du Coeur distributes foodstuffs and hygiene products to families and people in precarious situations living in the canton of Geneva.
For over 50 years, Terre des Hommes Suisse has been committed to the rights of the child. In close partnership with many local organizations, in ten countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, this association fights for the protection of children and the improvement of their living conditions in their community. In Switzerland, it does development education work and works for more equitable North-South relations.
Since 2006, J'aime Ma Planète raises awareness children and young people of environmental protection and promoting a sustainable way of life. It also develops the international Eco-schools program in Swiss schools.
The CPV is a not-for-profit public-interest association that organizes holiday camps and leisure activities for children and adolescents aged 4 to 18 years. The CPV is also active in training young adults. Throughout the year, the Association organizes free trainings for its volunteers. The purpose of these trainings is to sensitize the instructors to the tasks and responsibilities they will have to face during the camps and to give them tools and ideas for their practice. As a signatory of the Quality Charter for Geneva-based holiday organizations, the CPV is committed to respecting the criteria and the guidelines of this organization in the staffing of camps in instructors and in the educational content of the trainings. The CPV organization is organized around three reference documents: an associative project, an educational project and an educational project. The association is structured as follows: compensated volunteers (instructors and trainers), permanent employees (animation team, administrative team and logistician), all headed by a committee of volunteers. The CPV team as a whole works together to ensure the smooth running of the holiday camps. Although our team of collaborators strives to offer stays at the lowest possible cost, some families do not manage to finance their children's holidays alone. Since the right to leisure is a fundamental right of the child, the Association offers these low-income families the opportunity to help them finance their child's stay. Collaboration with other organizations offers discounts for families in financial difficulty through a dedicated fund, the Mimosa Fund.Le CPV est également actif dans la formation de jeunes adultes. En effet, tout au long de l’année, l’Association organise des formations gratuites destinées à ses bénévoles. Ces formations ont pour but de sensibiliser les moniteurs aux tâches et responsabilités auxquelles ils auront à faire face pendant les camps et à leur donner des outils et des pistes de réflexions utiles à leur pratique. Signataire de la Charte de qualité pour les organismes genevois de vacances, le CPV s’engage à respecter les critères et les directives de cet organisme dans la dotation des camps en moniteurs comme dans le contenu pédagogique des formations. L’organisation du CPV s’articule autour de trois documents de référence : un projet associatif, un projet éducatif et un projet pédagogique. L’association est structurée comme suit : des bénévoles indemnisés (moniteurs et formateurs), des permanents salariés (équipe d’animation, équipe administrative et logisticien), le tout chapeauté par un comité de bénévoles. L’équipe du CPV dans son ensemble travaille de concert afin d’assurer le bon déroulement des camps de vacances. Bien que notre équipe de collaborateurs s’efforce de proposer des séjours à un coût le plus bas possible, certaines familles n’arrivent pas à financer seules les vacances de leurs enfants. Le droit aux loisirs étant un droit fondamental de l’enfant, l’Association propose à ces familles à revenus modestes de les aider à financer le séjour de leur enfant. Une collaboration avec d’autres organismes permet de proposer des réductions pour les familles en difficulté financière au travers d’un fonds dédié, le Fonds Mimosa.
The Non-Violence Project Foundation (NVPF) is a non-profit organization, based in Geneva, founded in 1993 and recognized by public utility. Its purpose is to promote social change through education and prevention.Sa mission est de créer et d’offrir des programmes d’éducation personnalisés afin de motiver les jeunes et de les guider dans l’apprentissage de la résolution pacifique des conflits. Elle prévient et empêche la violence de se perpétuer, en développant des programmes de formation dont le but est de changer les mentalités et transformer les comportements qui amènent à cette violence.
K.i.d.S means: "arts in school". It is about using art to convey to the children self-esteem, a sense of community, social competence, joy in their own work. Once a week (throughout the school year) an artist comes to the class to work with the teacher on projects with the children.
ASED enables children and adolescents to benefit from quality education and training. In this way, we contribute to improving their lives and allow them to become actors in the harmonious and sustainable development of their society.
Our association is mainly oriented towards the Child and the mother and we also realize medical centers in various countries and Africa in particular.
La Movember Foundation est la seule association caritative luttant pour la santé masculine à l'échelle mondiale et tout au long de l'année. Nous nous attaquons à certains des plus graves problèmes de santé auxquels sont confrontés les hommes : cancer de la prostate, cancer des testicules, santé mentale et prévention du suicide.
Our team supports all Ukrainians. We have prepared shelter in our Lviv office to support refugees from the eastern and central parts of Ukraine. Our office is equipped with sleeping places, food, water, clothes, and other necessary stuff. What we are doing now: Shelter for Temporarily Displaced People(refugees) in the office Preparation of new areas for displaced people (refugees) Involvement in logistics operations Cooperation with Lviv IT Cluster Help with the first aid kit and necessary goods for the refugees Cooperation with the city Development of the application to inform everyone about the air alert. Cooperation with the Territorial Defense to identify looters and saboteurs.
The IHAB association has for object to improve the information for women during the pregnancy, the quality of welcome of the newborn children and the accompaniment of the parents according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. In this context, it develops a mentioned program " Initiative Friendly Hospital of Babies " ( IHAB) who, by centering the care on needs and rhythms of the newborn children and the infants, answers in complete safety the physical, psychological and cultural needs for the child and for his family.
For almost 40 years, across nearly 50 countries, Action Against Hunger has led the global fight against hunger. They save the lives of children and their families. They are there for them before and after disaster strikes. They enable people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong, and build prosperous communities. They constantly search for more effective solutions, while sharing our knowledge and expertise with the world. They push for long-term change. They will never give up. Until the world is free from hunger.
The NGO ROOF FOR ALL, a ROOF for all those who do not have one. The development of relay housing for people in need or in distress. This innovative social and solidarity concept, ROOF FOR ALL, works for a roof accessible to everyone, in Switzerland and abroad.
Since 1993, the Théodora Foundation has pursued its objective of relieving by laughing the daily life of children in hospitals or specialized institutions. Each week, the Foundation organizes and funds the visits of 70 professional artists, called Doctors Dreams, in 34 hospitals and 24 institutions for children with disabilities. In 2015, these amusing and endearing characters made more than 100,000 visits to children in Switzerland in order to offer them smiles and moments of joy.
The Institution of Lavigny welcomes a diversity of people (patients, residents, students, employees in sheltered workshops), affected in the exercise of their autonomy and / or their health, living with disabilities in the broad sense. It harbors, supports, maintains and accompanies these people according to their specific needs and offers them as a living, working, learning and appropriate treatments.
The association supports peasants from here and elsewhere because they are the only guarantors of our vital energy. Through this annual international event in the form of large community meals that take place simultaneously in about sixty places on four continents, it sensitizes civil society on the importance of consuming local products and raising funds for projects in line with these Objectives.
FXB is a non-profit international organization with over 25-years of experience in breaking the cycle of poverty. Its mission is to provide people living in extreme poverty with the tools and support they need to become self-sufficient.
Tourism for Help is a non-profit organization whose purpose is the promotion of responsible tourism contributing to aid economic development in disadvantaged regions.
L’ONG Miwa-International signifie «ensemble, venez et mettons tous la main dans la main, pour qu’à l’échelle nationale et internationale le défis du social soit une réalité ». Elle intervient dans plusieurs domaines dont principalement l’Education des enfants démunis, la lutte contre la pauvreté (entrepreneuriat des Jeunes) et les Œuvres Humanitaires dans toutes les régions du Bénin et au-delà des frontières.
Our mission is to ignite a movement of blue minds across the planet, to facilitate physical and emotional connections to the aquatic environment, to build understanding of the interdependence of healthy humans and healthy oceans and to influence behaviours to protect our global seas. We feel especially passionate about working with underprivileged coastal communities where, despite living walking distance to the shoreline, we often find young people who have never seen the world just beneath the waves.
Urban Refugees is a non-profit organisation that seeks to improve the lives of refugees and displaced people living in cities of developing countries.
Aide aux enfants issus des bidonvilles et zones reculées de Kinshasa en RDC, souffrant du Noma et de malnutrition aigüe.
Information and thoughts on animal experimentation for the general public, the media, associative partners of the animal cause as associations of patients, and decision-makers.
Kelyan is a little boy with Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome. To our knowledge there are currently 3 cases in Switzerland. There are 1:50,000 affected children, 2 girls for every 1 boy. The characteristics are: Intrauterine growth retardation followed by post-natal growth retardation, Muscle hypotonia, Developmental retardation with mental retardation, Difficulty feeding, Deafness, Renal manifestations, Genital abnormalities, Cerebral malformation. In the course of their lives children with these syndromes undergo several major surgeries.
Realize dreams of children seriously ill and offer moments of sweetness to children hospitalized (toys, Christmas shows, beauty care)
We bring dollars and doers together to accelerate smart environmental giving. 1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions. We advise on giving strategies, we certify donations, and we amplify the impact of our network.
UNITERRE est une association paysanne indépendante qui défend: - une agriculture paysanne de proximité, - une agriculture qui rémunère à sa juste valeur le travail des paysan-ne-s et ouvrier-ère-s, - une agriculture qui préserve les ressources naturelles et le savoir-faire, aujourd’hui et pour les générations futures. - une agriculture à l’écoute des consommateur-trice-s UNITERRE soutient une politique agricole basée sur la souveraineté alimentaire, seule à même de garantir l'accès à une alimentation saine pour toutes et tous et un développement durable dans chaque pays. UNITERRE, c'est: - Le respect des personnes, des animaux et de la terre - La valorisation du métier de paysan tant économiquement que socialement - Un lien fort entre consommateur-trice-s et producteur-trice-s, pour une vision partagée d’une société et d’une agriculture plus solidaires. - Une attitude responsable envers les paysan-ne-s des quatre coins du monde, pour que nos actions et nos besoins ne leur causent pas de tort. - La qualité qui prime sur la quantité - Des paysan-ne-s qui ont la main sur la vente de leurs produits - L'interdiction des OGMs, des hormones, l'opposition à l’usage excessif d'antibiotiques (par ex. prophylaxie) dans la production animale et aux brevets sur le vivant. - Le partage des semences et des races d'animaux par les paysan-ne-s - Le courage de dire tout haut ce que les autres pensent tout bas et que nous ne soyons qu’une seule voix : Paysan-ne-s, Consommateur-trice-s , Artisan-e-s et Transformateur-trice-s .
L’association Tout le monde contre le cancer réalise depuis 15 ans plus de 1000 actions chaque année dans 170 hôpitaux et maisons de parents partout en France pour accompagner les patients petits et grands et leur famille ainsi que le personnel soignant dans leur combat contre le cancer. Elle agit avec une conviction : « Tant qu’il y a de la joie, il y a de la vie! ».
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