Enhance user experience to convert more!

Enhance user experience to convert more!

The year 2016 has just come to an end that it is already time for e-merchants to take new resolutions and establish new e-commerce strategies for the coming year. E-commerce will have been a true laboratory of experiments in 2016 for one purpose: to offer an optimal purchasing experience to satisfy consumers and make them succumb again. This buoyancy will continue in 2017 and will encourage market players to exceed their limits even more so that buyers add products to their shopping cart rather than to that of the competitor. Entertaining, mobile, interactive and experiential will be the four adjectives that will mark this year 2017.


Estimated to more than $ 6 billion by 2019 according to a recent study, Gamification will return to the forefront in 2017 to further entertain consumers in their shopping path. Consuming has become a hobby for many buyers who juggle from one device to another to find their happiness.


The mobile is at the heart of the customer purchasing path and serves as a strategic support between online and offline. A real Drive-To-Store tool, mobile phones become an essential acquisition lever for advertisers who can, for example, use Google Local Inventory Ads and Facebook Dynamic Ads For Retail to attract traffic to their physical store .


Mobile has also changed the relationship between brands and consumers. Brands are now part of the daily life of buyers, especially with the democratization of social networks for which Internet users spend hours a day. This channel becomes a ritual in the process of purchasing e-shoppers since more than one in three users uses it to search for information about a brand or a product.


For a long time focused on the product, marketing now takes an experiential turn in which brands have to propose a shopping path that consumers can not find anywhere else. With a customer journey with multiple entry points, brands must resolve to optimize the user experience (UX) across their sales channels and throughout the consumer buying process. This translates into a customized offer based on the collected customer data, or a tunnel conversion optimized for all types of devices.

So many challenges that the brands will have to take up in 2017 to serve on a tray the perfect product to the consumer who has just passed the doors of his online shop. Brands will have to adopt innovative strategies to entertain consumers by offering them not a simple product but a real shopping experience that they will keep in mind.

To follow the 2017 trend, Cherry Checkout can help you create an innovative and unique user experience with its socially responsible quizzes. Free, easy and fast tools to install that will allow your customers to experience an exclusive experience on your e-commerce.

http: //www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/cercle/cercle-164770-e-commerce-lannee-2017-sera-resolument-2056244.php

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